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Cougar Conversations BANNER 2024-2025.png

WNZR is the Voice of the Cougars – don’t miss our Halftime Feature - Cougar Conversations!

WNZR’s exciting feature, “Cougar Conversations” returns for half-times during the 2024-2025 basketball season.

"Cougar Conversations" this year will feature some amazing student athletes competing for MVNU. We will talk with players from both our men’s and women’s basketball teams, plus highlight athletes from the many other sports at MVNU. We will also feature some outstanding MVNU Alumni! We will share conversations with some of our most outstanding athletes of the past and members of the Cougar Wall of Fame.


Tune in at halftime of both men's and women's basketball games for “Cougar Conversations”.

You can also find the full Cougar Conversations online at and on WNZR’s Facebook and Twitter.

Cougar Conversations on WNZR is brought to you by Western & Southern Life, 1650 Coshocton Avenue, Suite A in Mount Vernon.


We are the Voice of the Cougars – 90.9FM and WNZR.TV!

Here’s our upcoming schedule for Cougar Conversations:

Saturday 2/22/: 

The MVNU Women’s Basketball Team hosts Grace College.
The Game tips off at 1:00pm. Tune in at halftime for a special Cougar Conversation.  Marcy will talk with
Taylor Tyler from our MVNU Competitive Cheer Team. She is also a member of the WNZR Team! 

Cougar Conversations on WNZR is brought to you by Western & Southern Life, 1650 Coshocton Avenue, Suite A in Mount Vernon.


Saturday 2/22: 

The MVNU Men’s Basketball Team hosts Grace College.
The Game tips off at 3:00pm. Tune in at halftime for a special Cougar Conversation.  Marcy will talk with
Jack Moore from our MVNU Baseball Team. He is also a member of the WNZR Team!


Cougar Conversations on WNZR is brought to you by Western & Southern Life, 1650 Coshocton Avenue, Suite A in Mount Vernon.


​​You can follow the action of the Cougars all season long 90.9FM and WNZR.TV

WEBSITE Mitch Soviak CC 24-25.png
WEBSITE Riley Swanson CC 24-25.png
WEBSITE Phil Argento CC 24-25.png
WEBSITE Camryn Cummings CC 24-25.png
WEBSITE Elly-Mason CC 24-25.png
WEBSITE Lyssi-Abbey CC 24-25.png
WEBSITE Frazier-Hoffman CC 24-25.png
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WEBSITE Megan Weakley CC 24-25.png
WEBSITE Olivia Skillings CC 24-25.png
WEBSITE Mason Harvey CC 24-25.png
WEBSITE Naomi Keib CC 24-25.png
WEBSITE Isaiah Brown CC 24-25.png
WEBSITE Hadley Hajdu CC 24-25.png
WEB Junior Kambomba CC 24-25.png
WEB Teresa Maggio CC 24-25.png
WEB Keith Veale-Mike Cheek CC 24-25.png
WEB Abigail Larkin CC 24-25.png
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WEB Carter Jones CC 24-25.png
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Cougar Conversations on WNZR is brought to you by Western & Southern Life,
1650 Coshocton Avenue, Suite A in Mount Vernon.

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